
10 vuistregels voor missionair werkers Corry Nap-van Dalen, 2011 Member Care Nederland publiceerde in 2009 de 10 vuistregels. In het boek Uitgezonden worden deze vuistregels besproken en aangevuld met een theoretische onderbouwing, ervaringsverhalen en praktische...

Waarom zijn wij anders?
Sarah Lanier, 2012 Wil je beter leren omgaan met cultuurverschillen? Dit boek biedt een eenvoudige introductie in het leren begrijpen van en omgaan met mensen met een andere culturele achtergrond. Het is een vertaling van het Engelse boekje Foreign to Familiar - A...

Third Culture Kids
Growing Up Among Worlds David C. Pollock & Ruth E. Van Reken, revised edition 2009 In Third Culture Kids the authors explore systematically and with compassion the experiences of those who have become known as 'third culture kids' (TCKs) - children who grow up or...

Single Mission
Thriving as a single Christian in cross-cultural ministry Debbie Hawker & Tim Herbert (editors), 2013 Single Mission aims to encourage and equip single mission personnel, and to help them be strong in their faith, effective in their ministry, resilient and content...

Trauma & Resilience – A Handbook
Effectively Supporting Those Who Serve God Edited by Frauke C. Schaefer & Charles A. Schaefer, 2012 This book explores the nature of trauma and its effect on the whole person. It invites both those in trauma and care givers to consider what is involved in becoming...
Called To Do Meaningful Work: A Blessing or a Curse
Mental Health of Cross-Cultural Healthcare Missionaries
Mental Health of Cross-Cultural Healthcare Missionaries
M.A. Strand, L.M. Pinkston, A.I. Chen, J.W. Richarson
From Missionary Incarnate to Incarnational Guest
The Missions Experience – Closer to the Truth about Current Missionary Attrition
Membercare NL
Voor hulp aan zendingswerkers: pastoraal, psychosociaal, loopbaanbegeleiding, materieel, trainingen
Global Membercare
Global Member Care Network – resources, links, updates and people related to member care around the world
Membercare EU
Information, resources, networking and discussion on issues related to member care within and from Europe
Missionary Care
“What Missionaries Ought to Know” brochures
Missie Nederland
De Nederlandse webpagina voor Mission Kids en hun ouders